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Sven frequently publishes and is quoted on anti-money laundering, sanctions, and corruption matters in well-known publications globally such as The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, International Financial Law Review, China Business Law Journal, International Banker, Law360, Reuters, Compliance Week, Complinet, ACAMS Today, Securities Industry News, The Deal, and others. 

Stumbauer | Wall Street Journal
Stumbauer | Financial Times
Stumbauer | Bloomberg
Stumbauer | South China Morning Post
Stumbauer | Caixin
Stumbauer | Epoch Times
Stumbauer | International Banker
Stumbauer | Miami Herald
Stumbauer | The Deal
Stumbauer | The Bell
Stumbauer | Thompson Reuters
Stumbauer | Risk & Compliance
Stumbauer | China Business Law Journal
Stumbauer | Asian Private Banker
Stumbauer | Boersen Zeitung
Stumbauer | El Pais

Aussichtsloser Kampf gegen illegale Geschäfte



Epoch Times

6.500 milliarder strømmede gennem estiske banker på syv år


How Estonia’s money-laundering scandal unfolded

The Week

South Korean financial institutions are not sufficiently prepared for U.S. Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions Scrutiny

The Bell

Identifying Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Regulators' Key AML focus

Asian Private Banker

In the “Wild West” of Virtual Currencies, Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions Enforcement is Anything but Virtual

Corporate Compliance Insights

Chinese banks need to firm up AML compliance

International Financial Law Review

Getting real on AML and sanctions compliance challenges in APAC

Fintech Innovation

Banken erwarten noch hoehere Compliance-Kosten

Boersen Zeitung

U.S. Pursues Alleged Chinese-Africa Bribery Through Finance Ties

The Wall Street Journal

The Commonwealth Bank could face enforcement action from US regulators over its alleged failure to comply with anti-money laundering laws

Lawyers Weekly

The Troika of Money Laundering, Sanctions and Corruption

The End of European Money-Laundering Scandals, or Just the Beginning?

International Banker

Der fast aussichtslose Wettlauf gegen Briefkastenfirmen


법무법인 광장, '글로벌 자금세탁 규제' 세미나 개최

Segye News

Naming of Jailed Banker’s Wife Sends Warning as U.K. Fights Money Laundering

The Wall Street Journal

Bankexpert: Danske i Estland bara toppen på isberget


Compliance in Chinese banks: Playing catch-up

Ethical Boardroom

알릭스파트너스 "금융기관, 암호화폐 통한 자금세탁 대비해야

Edaily Korea

Crypto Exchanges Must Up Their AML Game

Markets Media

Hong Kong banks’ efforts against money laundering to face scrutiny as global regulator’s visit looms

South China Morning Post

Bekaempfung der Geldwaesche

Compliance Magazin Deutschland

Finanzdienstleister sind auf die Risiken durch Geldwäsche schlecht vorbereitet

Banken & Partner

U.S. Puts Banks on Notice With ‘Recipe Book’ on North Korea

The Wall Street Journal

The Darker Side of Money - Trends in Money Laundering

Some Financial Institutions' Boards Don't Receive AML, Sanctions Training

The Wall Street Journal

Taking anti-money laundering compliance seriously - how boards can prevent money laundering within European banks

Ethical Boardroom

Trends and challenges in anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance for Korean Financial Institutions

Legal Times

Bank Boards Continue to Fall Short Against Money Laundering

The Wall Street Journal

Over $1 trillion flowed through Estonia between 2008 and 2015, dwarfing Danske Bank money laundering scandal

Financial Post

US-Justiz ermittelt gegen Danske Bank

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten

Estonia Banks Did $500 Billion in Cross-Border Flows


Investors Cozy Up to Compliance Opportunities

The Wall Street Journal

한국 금융기관 자금세탁방지 준비 경영진 적극 개입 필요

FNNews Korea

PB directors can turn dirty business squeaky clean


Chinese banks warned on anti-money laundering compliance

China Business Law Journal

Blocked by CFIUS, Ant Financial Abandons Plan to Acquire MoneyGram and Shifts to Strategic Cooperation

Caixin Global

Needless "de-risking" might increase AML risk

Asian Private Banker

It’s ‘winner takes all’ for banks that can get compliance right

South China Morning Post

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